All Courses
C2345124 Byron & the Greek War of Independence
This talk aims to give an outline and analysis of the 6th Lord Byron’s involvement in the Greek War of Independence (1821 to 1832).
C2422390 Monday Basic Sewing Projects
This course will show you step by step how to use a commercial pattern , making any adjustment to get the right fitting, making at least one garment or more as time permuted.
C3846126 C3846126 Explorers of the Cosmos
Our modern understanding of the universe is the end product of centuries of scientific discoveries by many individuals around the world. Whilst most have been forgotten, some stand out like shining stars. What was their profound scientific contribution? Why were they able to make breakthrough?
C2345532 C2345532 Summer Snapshot: Writing Seasonal Stories with Shaun Kennedy
This two-part course will provide students with a variety of tips and exercises - relating to the theme of ‘summer’ – to help improve and share their creative writing talents.
C3679658 The Glasgow Boys: Art, Empire and Culture - continued
The Glasgow Boys' foundation of French outdoor painting became the springboard for their distinctly individual obsessions in oil and pastel and water colour. The pre occupations with modern life, Japanese culture and symbolism led to their uniquely individual expressions. Artists covered in the course - James Guthrie, John Lavery, the watercolours of Arthur Melville and Joseph Crawhall, E.A. Hornell, George Henry, E.A. Walton.
C3846337 Explorers of the Cosmos
Our modern understanding of the universe is the end product of centuries of scientific discoveries by many individuals around the world. Whilst most have been forgotten, some stand out like shining stars. What was their profound scientifi c contribution? Why were they able to make breakthrough? Over ten weeks the course will look at the life and work of the life and work of 10 explorers.