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Your Canvas Course a Guide for WEA Learners
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Computer Skills for Work (Sebright Centre)
Learn the basics of computer skills for everyday use
C3680720 Every Picture Tells a Story Part 3
In this course we will continue to explore the Victorian world through the depictions in art of everyday life. We will be looking in depth at the life and art of William Powell Frith and Ford Maddox Brown (the eccentric Pre-Raphaelite associate) and also discussing the way many Victorian pictures are intended to be 'read', including the symbolism and social norms and expectations of the society of the time which permiate these works. It is not necessary for students to have attended previous courses to participate.
C3680295 Swedish Impressionism Part 3
The Opponents can be likened to Swedish Impressionists, evolving new ways of depicting their world whilst concerned that their art should also contribute to a more enlightened society. Certain artists lives and work will be looked at in depth, especially Bruno Liljefors, considered by many to be the world's first Environmental Artist, and the mature careers of Carl Larsson and Anders Zorn, amongst other significant artists. This course will continue to present these artists in the context of their time, at the leading edge of Scandinavian art & society. Students may join the course at any time and attendance of the previous Parts 1 & 2 is not necessary.
Q00001946 C3681064 The Glasgow Boys Part 1
George Henry, James Guthrie, John Lavary, E. A. Hornel, Joseph Crawhall and others pioneered new styles in painting, ranging from earthy, rustic realism to avante-garde symbolism, in daring and striking pictures. This course will trace the development of these artists and their lives.
Q00001947 C3681065 The Art of Finland and Norway: Lands of the Heart
Visions of mountain & fjord, lake & forest and their hardy inhabitants inspired these two young nations, still dreaming of independence, as art helped to shape their sense of identity. This course is an introduction to the art and society of Finland and Norway as they emerged from the dominance and rule of other nations.
Q00004164 C3681374 The Glasgow Boys - Part 2
This course is the second part of our study of the Glasgow Boys; George Henry, James Guthrie, John Lavary, E. A. Hornel, Joseph Crawhall and others pioneered new styles in painting, ranging from earthy, rustic realism to avante-garde symbolism, in daring and striking pictures. This course will trace the development of these artists and their lives. The course is open to beginners and there will be a short introduction for those joining the course.
Q00004893 C2424408 Introduction to Working in Business Administration (Online)
Is a career in Business Administration for you? Find out the pros and cons of working in a field with plenty of opportunities.